Fulvic Minerals
Balanced Greens Cell Superfood & Sport Endurance Recovery which is our fulvic acid minerals helps bring your body to its natural balance, here are few of the many benefits:
- Improved digestive health and immune function
- Helps boost nutrient absorption
- Repairs and protects skin
- Improves detoxification
- Protects cognitive health
- Reduces inflammation
- Improves energy levels and lowers pain
Fulvic Minerals Q&A
Frequently asked questions and nutritional benefits of fulvic acid minerals.
Where do fulvic acid minerals come from, and how are they processed?
Our fulvic acid minerals are extracted from a humic shale deposit. This deposit is a layer of decomposed plant matter formed from ancient minerals laden plants, dating back 75 million years. Our fulvic minerals are produced by a distilled water process, creating Fulvic Acid Minerals. Our fulvic minerals have an absorption rate of 90-98%, double to triple most of the over the counter minerals on the market. Two primary benefits to this absorption rate are: 1) it enhances the transport and bioavailability of other nutrients and 2) it supports the body’s natural detoxification of metals and toxins. We obtain our fulvic acid minerals, (called Cell Superfood) from Mountain Family Wellness Clinic, who have tested and perfected this fulvic at their clinic for many years.
Why are fulvic acid minerals important to my health?
Fulvic Acid Minerals has the unique ability to break down toxins and reduce them to a harmless state. Fulvic Acid Minerals are vital in delivering substantial amounts of nutrients and minerals and their living energies into living cells. Once inside the living cell, Fulvic aides in the selective trading or supply of minerals and other nutrient factors, ensuring that the cells get precisely the amount of minerals and nutrients they need.
Fulvic Acid Minerals has several primary functions. It dissolves minerals and trace elements, transports the nutrients into the cell, catalyzes enzyme reactions, stimulates metabolism, detoxifies pollutants and assimilates into cell structure by increasing the permeability of the cell membrane. Fulvic Acid Minerals super oxygenates the blood and accelerates the healing process. It is the only known agent capable of this process.
How do fulvic acid minerals affect my health?
Fulvic Acid Minerals reestablishes balance and inflow of energy to all cells in the body by delivering essential minerals and enzymes in ionic form, fully permeating the cell membrane. Fulvic Acid Minerals also supplies more oxygen and nutrients to the brain, producing pleasant feelings of well-being. It helps the immune system and nervous system function more effectively as cellular communication improves, and it increases vibrational frequencies of all body organs ensuring a high resistance to stress and disease.
Why do athletes use fulvic acid minerals?
Fulvic Acid Minerals delivers more oxygen to the blood and directly to the muscle cells. It may help reduce lactic acid build up, leading to faster recovery times and increased endurance. Fulvic Acid Minerals strengthens joints, tendons and ligaments
Fulvic Acid maximizes the electrical chemistry of the cell.
NATURAL ANTIOXIDANT & Free Radical Scavenger
Exercise produces oxidants and Fulvic Acid is a natural powerful antioxidant.
Fulvic Acid Minerals increases nutrient absorption, drives nutrients deeper into cells and decreases inflammation leading to overall enhanced performance, stamina and endurance. Sport Endurance Recovery when used DAILY will not only impact health and increase nutrient absorbency, but effects athletes for stronger workouts and recovery. Experience it for yourself.
Athletic Performance & Endurance
Support for Joints & Muscles
Support Tissue Recovery
Super Oxygenated the Blood
Lactic Acid Build up
Reduce Muscle Soreness
Faster Recovery
Support for Healthy Digestion
Support for Healthy Circulation
Catalyst – Drives ALL Nutrient Deeper
Aggressive Free Radical Scavenger
THE BENEFIT of it being a spray, is that it can be used topically for skin diseases, fungus, rashes, insect bites, sprayed on thyroid and joints. Great to spray on your face for high antioxidant effect, and on your indoor and outdoor plants, makes them grow!
Why is oxygenation so important?
The ability to think, feel, move, eat, sleep and even talk all depends on energy from oxygen. All functions of our body are regulated by oxygen. It must be replaced on a moment-to-moment basis because 90% of our life energy depends on it, energizing cells so they can regenerate. Lifestyle factors such as poor nutrition, alcohol, pollution, toxins, pharmacological drugs or lack of exercise all deprive the body of vital oxygen setting the stage for chronic degenerative disease and a weakened immune system.
Fulvic Acid Minerals delivers ionic minerals and oxygen in perfect balance to all cells in the body, ensuring that all the cells are fully oxygenated and mineralized. When the nutrients are in ionic form, they’re readily absorbed by cells and are recognized by the body as a natural fluid.
Many health professionals believe Fulvic Acid Minerals to be the missing nutritional link in human health. Our Fulvic Acid comes out of the richest Humic and Fulvic deposits in America (Utah), and contains naturally occurring 72 essential trace minerals and amino acids.
Are there any other benefits of fulvic minerals?
∙ Super oxygenates the blood
∙ Catalyze (to accelerate a process) enzymes
∙ Improve circulation
∙ Helps joint and muscular pain
∙ Control inflammation
∙ Increase endurance
∙ Structure hormones
∙ Stimulate metabolism
∙ Re-mineralize the body
∙ Regulate the thyroid and thymus glands
∙ Improve brain function (including memory)
∙ Revitalize libido (desire and function)
∙ Protect against unnatural oxidation
∙ Acquire electrolytes and other vital elements
∙ Repair, regenerate, and restore cells (including skin and nails)
∙ Breaks down toxic or inorganic materials and chemicals and rids them from the body
∙ Assimilate macro- and micro-elements
∙ Break down complex nutrients, elements, and other substances for easier absorption or elimination
∙ Kill yeast and fungus
∙ Accelerates healing time
∙ Protects against free radical damage
∙ Cleanse, neutralize, and removes toxins
The statements for all Balanced Green Products have not been evaluated by the Federal Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.